The Japanese anime series Space Battleship Yamato I, II, and III is the inspiration for Star Blazers, an American animated television series. The first episode of Star Blazers to air on American television was in 1979. Furthermore, it was the first popular English-translated anime with an overarching plot and storyline that necessitated that the episodes be viewed sequentially. For the time, it dealt with subjects that were more adult than those addressed by other musicals intended at the same demographic. As a result, arc-based, plot-driven anime translations were made possible.
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The Japanese anime series Space Battleship Yamato I, II, and III is the inspiration for Star Blazers, an American animated television series. The first episode of Star Blazers to air on American television was in 1979. Furthermore, it was the first popular English-translated anime with an overarching plot and storyline that necessitated that the episodes be viewed sequentially. For the time, it dealt with subjects that were more adult than those addressed by other musicals intended at the same demographic. As a result, arc-based, plot-driven anime translations were made possible.