Sky High is a live-action supernatural Japanese television drama series featuring Yumiko Shaku, an actress and model. It first broadcast in Japan from 2003 to 2004, and was popular enough to inspire a 2003 feature film of the same name. Both are adaptations of the Japanese manga Skyhigh. Shaku plays Izuko, the Guardian of the Afterlife Gate. The main premise of the television series is similar to that of the American series Ghost Whisperer, in which the protagonist must utilize her abilities to guide the deceased on their path to the afterlife by assisting them in determining the purpose or circumstance of their death. However, no matter how hard Izuko tries, her advice does not always result in a happy conclusion.
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Sky High is a live-action supernatural Japanese television drama series featuring Yumiko Shaku, an actress and model. It first broadcast in Japan from 2003 to 2004, and was popular enough to inspire a 2003 feature film of the same name. Both are adaptations of the Japanese manga Skyhigh. Shaku plays Izuko, the Guardian of the Afterlife Gate. The main premise of the television series is similar to that of the American series Ghost Whisperer, in which the protagonist must utilize her abilities to guide the deceased on their path to the afterlife by assisting them in determining the purpose or circumstance of their death. However, no matter how hard Izuko tries, her advice does not always result in a happy conclusion.