Robinson Ekspeditionen is a popular reality television program that premiered in 1998 in Denmark. In the spring of1998, TV3 acquired the rights to broadcast their own version of Expedition Robinson. Denmark was the first country to adopt their own version of the show after the Swedish version's success. Since its debut in1998, the show's ratings have been a success. The name is a reference to Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson, two tales about shipwreck survivors.
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Robinson Ekspeditionen is a popular reality television program that premiered in 1998 in Denmark. In the spring of1998, TV3 acquired the rights to broadcast their own version of Expedition Robinson. Denmark was the first country to adopt their own version of the show after the Swedish version's success. Since its debut in1998, the show's ratings have been a success. The name is a reference to Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson, two tales about shipwreck survivors.