An anime and video game fanatic known as Tsutsun, Hikari (also known as Tsutsumi) is a high school student who enjoys his virtual existence. One day, he has to clean the pool with Iroha, a real girl who is stylish, sassy, and known to be easy with boys. She aggressively approaches him. With few friends and living in his own little universe, the bold and adventurous Iroha completely changes Tsuttsun's perspective on life. It's the narrative of a young man's first encounter with a romantic relationship, which is both awkward and pure.
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An anime and video game fanatic known as Tsutsun, Hikari (also known as Tsutsumi) is a high school student who enjoys his virtual existence. One day, he has to clean the pool with Iroha, a real girl who is stylish, sassy, and known to be easy with boys. She aggressively approaches him. With few friends and living in his own little universe, the bold and adventurous Iroha completely changes Tsuttsun's perspective on life. It's the narrative of a young man's first encounter with a romantic relationship, which is both awkward and pure.