This teen drama is set in the imaginary little town of Tree Hill, North Carolina, and follows two half brothers who share only their last name. Lucas, a brooding blue-collar, is a skilled street-side basketball player, but his abilities are only noticed by his river-court buddies. As the star of his high school squad, popular, affluent Nathan basks in the town's hero worship. And both boys are the sons of Dan Scott, a former college baseball player whose decision to desert Lucas and his mother Karen many years ago will plague him throughout his life with wife Deb and their son Nathan.
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This teen drama is set in the imaginary little town of Tree Hill, North Carolina, and follows two half brothers who share only their last name. Lucas, a brooding blue-collar, is a skilled street-side basketball player, but his abilities are only noticed by his river-court buddies. As the star of his high school squad, popular, affluent Nathan basks in the town's hero worship. And both boys are the sons of Dan Scott, a former college baseball player whose decision to desert Lucas and his mother Karen many years ago will plague him throughout his life with wife Deb and their son Nathan.