Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns is an American sitcom written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry. Mr. Brown and his daughter Cora Simmons lead a senior household residing in Decatur, Georgia. The show aired on TBS on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, and ran through November 18, 2011. It is based on his play and film of the same title. The show stars David Mann and Tamela Mann, who previously appeared in the stage play and film.
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Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns is an American sitcom written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry. Mr. Brown and his daughter Cora Simmons lead a senior household residing in Decatur, Georgia. The show aired on TBS on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, and ran through November 18, 2011. It is based on his play and film of the same title. The show stars David Mann and Tamela Mann, who previously appeared in the stage play and film.