Maze the Megaburst Space is a fantasy anime series based on an original light book that features both sex-based humor and mecha themes. The anime adaptation initially aired as an OVA, then as a full-length TV series, and lastly as a sequel film. Central Park Media licensed the OVA and anime TV series versions in the United States and published them on DVD under their Software Sculptors label. Comcast's "Anime Selects" On Demand Channel has broadcast the TV series several times. In the United States, the manga has yet to be released.
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Maze the Megaburst Space is a fantasy anime series based on an original light book that features both sex-based humor and mecha themes. The anime adaptation initially aired as an OVA, then as a full-length TV series, and lastly as a sequel film. Central Park Media licensed the OVA and anime TV series versions in the United States and published them on DVD under their Software Sculptors label. Comcast's "Anime Selects" On Demand Channel has broadcast the TV series several times. In the United States, the manga has yet to be released.