LIAISONS is a modern drama-comedy that tells the story of the affairs and relationships in a family and beyond, as well as the ongoing search for love and the many ways to find it today. The show follows the love lives of a famous architect with a good name (Mika, 43), her husband Tony, a former coroner who is now a marriage counselor (Tony, 48), and their family. Its many members are involved in complicated situations that keep adding dirty secrets and embarrassing stains to the story of the "perfect" family. The grounds are in serious danger. Could Mika and Tony stay together, or will they give in to the outside temptations?
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LIAISONS is a modern drama-comedy that tells the story of the affairs and relationships in a family and beyond, as well as the ongoing search for love and the many ways to find it today. The show follows the love lives of a famous architect with a good name (Mika, 43), her husband Tony, a former coroner who is now a marriage counselor (Tony, 48), and their family. Its many members are involved in complicated situations that keep adding dirty secrets and embarrassing stains to the story of the "perfect" family. The grounds are in serious danger. Could Mika and Tony stay together, or will they give in to the outside temptations?