Sugomori Metropolis, a fictional Japanese city, is the backdrop for the anime. "You have been selected to be a Kiznaiver," Noriko Sonosaki informs her student Katsuhira Agata one day. The Kizuna System, which allows Katsuhira to share his scars, connects him to peers whose lives and personalities are diametrically opposed to his. The Kizuna Scheme is a flawed system for bringing world peace to those who are linked by their wounds. Kiznaivers are all those who are connected to this system. When one Kiznaiver is injured, the system separates the wound and distributes it to the other Kiznaivers. Sugomori City is established on reclaimed ground, however its population is dwindling as time passes. The story takes place in the town where Katsuhira and his friends reside.
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Sugomori Metropolis, a fictional Japanese city, is the backdrop for the anime. "You have been selected to be a Kiznaiver," Noriko Sonosaki informs her student Katsuhira Agata one day. The Kizuna System, which allows Katsuhira to share his scars, connects him to peers whose lives and personalities are diametrically opposed to his. The Kizuna Scheme is a flawed system for bringing world peace to those who are linked by their wounds. Kiznaivers are all those who are connected to this system. When one Kiznaiver is injured, the system separates the wound and distributes it to the other Kiznaivers. Sugomori City is established on reclaimed ground, however its population is dwindling as time passes. The story takes place in the town where Katsuhira and his friends reside.