Mujeres Asesinas is a television series that depicts the dark side of women who have been mistreated or tortured and have turned into vicious killers. The series demonstrates how violence and death can overpower a woman's mind. Each episode tells the narrative of a different lady who has committed homicide. These ladies are driven by various passions, including love, hatred, resentment, vengeance, insanity, despair, terror, rage, addiction, salvation, and redemption. Doctor Sofa Capellan and her team of investigators attempt to solve the crimes committed by women.
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Mujeres Asesinas is a television series that depicts the dark side of women who have been mistreated or tortured and have turned into vicious killers. The series demonstrates how violence and death can overpower a woman's mind. Each episode tells the narrative of a different lady who has committed homicide. These ladies are driven by various passions, including love, hatred, resentment, vengeance, insanity, despair, terror, rage, addiction, salvation, and redemption. Doctor Sofa Capellan and her team of investigators attempt to solve the crimes committed by women.