Haunted Collector is an American reality television series that airs on Syfy. The debut of the first season occurred on June 1, 2011, and the last episode aired on July 6, 2011. The series follows a group of paranormal investigators lead by demonologist John Zaffis as they examine allegedly haunted locales in an effort to discover and remove any on-site relics or trigger objects that may be the source of the alleged paranormal or poltergeist activity. The production of the second season began in December 2011 and aired for the first time on June6, 2012. Syfy announced on September 17, 2012 that the series had been renewed for a third season of 12 episodes, which premiered on March 6, 2013.
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Haunted Collector is an American reality television series that airs on Syfy. The debut of the first season occurred on June 1, 2011, and the last episode aired on July 6, 2011. The series follows a group of paranormal investigators lead by demonologist John Zaffis as they examine allegedly haunted locales in an effort to discover and remove any on-site relics or trigger objects that may be the source of the alleged paranormal or poltergeist activity. The production of the second season began in December 2011 and aired for the first time on June6, 2012. Syfy announced on September 17, 2012 that the series had been renewed for a third season of 12 episodes, which premiered on March 6, 2013.