Gungrave is a Japanese animated anime based on Yasuhiro Nightow's computer game. The show is directed by Toshiyuki Tsuru and produced by Madhouse Studios. The series follows Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell as they advance in the Millennion gang. Gungrave ran from October6, 2003 to March29, 2004 on TV Tokyo. Like Gungrave and Gungrave: Overdose, the series' music is by Tsuneo Imahori; this includes the opening theme. In2003, Geneon Entertainment licensed Gungrave in North America. On July3,2008, Geneon Entertainment and Funimation Entertainment announced a partnership to distribute select titles in North America. Geneon Entertainment will maintain the license, but Funimation Entertainment will handle manufacture, marketing, sales, and distribution of chosen titles. Gungrave was announced as part of the deal on Dec.30, 2008. On November26,2010, Funimation licensed the anime. The anime series returned to US TV on May 11 on Funimation.
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Gungrave is a Japanese animated anime based on Yasuhiro Nightow's computer game. The show is directed by Toshiyuki Tsuru and produced by Madhouse Studios. The series follows Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell as they advance in the Millennion gang. Gungrave ran from October6, 2003 to March29, 2004 on TV Tokyo. Like Gungrave and Gungrave: Overdose, the series' music is by Tsuneo Imahori; this includes the opening theme. In2003, Geneon Entertainment licensed Gungrave in North America. On July3,2008, Geneon Entertainment and Funimation Entertainment announced a partnership to distribute select titles in North America. Geneon Entertainment will maintain the license, but Funimation Entertainment will handle manufacture, marketing, sales, and distribution of chosen titles. Gungrave was announced as part of the deal on Dec.30, 2008. On November26,2010, Funimation licensed the anime. The anime series returned to US TV on May 11 on Funimation.