Fury is a 1955–1960 American western television series that aired on NBC. It starred Peter Graves as Jim Newton, the proprietor of the Broken Wheel Ranch in California, Bobby Diamond as Jim's adoptive son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Joey's pal Homer "Packy" Lambert was played by Roger Mobley in the final two seasons. "FURY!...The story of a horse...and a youngster who loves him," the announcer says as the beloved stallion runs into the fence and approaches the camera. The first American television series, Fury, was created by Television Programs of America and then by ITC Entertainment, a British corporation.
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Fury is a 1955–1960 American western television series that aired on NBC. It starred Peter Graves as Jim Newton, the proprietor of the Broken Wheel Ranch in California, Bobby Diamond as Jim's adoptive son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Joey's pal Homer "Packy" Lambert was played by Roger Mobley in the final two seasons. "FURY!...The story of a horse...and a youngster who loves him," the announcer says as the beloved stallion runs into the fence and approaches the camera. The first American television series, Fury, was created by Television Programs of America and then by ITC Entertainment, a British corporation.