Kyoko Fukada and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi star in the Kyoko Fukada and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi drama Food Fight, which airs on Japanese television. It debuted on Japanese television for the first time between July 1 and September30, 2000. The ratings ranged from 17.5 percent all the way up to 21.5 percent at their highest point. This indicates that the show was only moderately successful.
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Kyoko Fukada and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi star in the Kyoko Fukada and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi drama Food Fight, which airs on Japanese television. It debuted on Japanese television for the first time between July 1 and September30, 2000. The ratings ranged from 17.5 percent all the way up to 21.5 percent at their highest point. This indicates that the show was only moderately successful.