In the year 198 of the Solar Era, special fire brigades in Tokyo are battling a phenomena known as spontaneous human combustion, in which humans are transformed into living infernos known as "Infernals." While the Infernals are first-generation survivors of spontaneous human combustion, later generations have developed the capacity to manage flames while maintaining their human appearance. Shinra Kusakabe, dubbed Devil's Footprints because of his power to ignite his feet at will, joins Special Fire Force Company8, a group of fellow flames users tasked with putting out any Infernals they come across. Shira tries to unravel the truth behind a mysterious fire that killed his family twelve years ago while a faction dedicated to the creation of Infernals appears.
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In the year 198 of the Solar Era, special fire brigades in Tokyo are battling a phenomena known as spontaneous human combustion, in which humans are transformed into living infernos known as "Infernals." While the Infernals are first-generation survivors of spontaneous human combustion, later generations have developed the capacity to manage flames while maintaining their human appearance. Shinra Kusakabe, dubbed Devil's Footprints because of his power to ignite his feet at will, joins Special Fire Force Company8, a group of fellow flames users tasked with putting out any Infernals they come across. Shira tries to unravel the truth behind a mysterious fire that killed his family twelve years ago while a faction dedicated to the creation of Infernals appears.