Dual Survival is a Discovery Channel reality television series in the United States. The show follows a duo of survival experts in difficult circumstances. For the first two seasons, the show focused on the differing outdoor survival philosophies and skills of Cody Lundin, an Arizona-based naturalist and primitive-skills expert who runs the Aboriginal Living Skills School, and Dave Canterbury, an Ohio-based military-trained survival instructor who runs the Pathfinder Training School. Canterbury was replaced by Joseph "Joe" Teti in the third season.
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Dual Survival is a Discovery Channel reality television series in the United States. The show follows a duo of survival experts in difficult circumstances. For the first two seasons, the show focused on the differing outdoor survival philosophies and skills of Cody Lundin, an Arizona-based naturalist and primitive-skills expert who runs the Aboriginal Living Skills School, and Dave Canterbury, an Ohio-based military-trained survival instructor who runs the Pathfinder Training School. Canterbury was replaced by Joseph "Joe" Teti in the third season.