Dramarama was a British children's anthology series that aired on ITV from 1983 until 1989. It primarily featured science fiction or supernatural drama. The programme was devised by Anna Home, who was then the head of children's and youth programming at TVS, but production duties were split among most of the regional ITV franchise holders. As a result, each episode was treated as a standalone production with its own cast and staff, including the executive producer. Anthony Horowitz, Paul Abbott, Kay Mellor, Janice Hally, Tony Kearney, David Tennant, and Ann Marie Di Mambro were all discovered on Dramarama, which served as a springboard for emerging talent. It was Dennis Spooner's final film role. "Dodger, Bonzo, And The Rest," one of Dramarama's episodes, was so popular that it was transformed into its own series the following year. It was based on a huge foster household and starred Lee Ross. Granada adapted the episode "Blackbird Singing In The Dead of Night" into the TV series Children's Ward. During CITV's 30th anniversary Old Skool Weekend, it was also broadcast for the first time since its first transmission on January5, 2013. The Series 7 episode "Back To Front" was rerun on January6,2013, as part of CITV's 30th anniversary Old Skool Weekend, and featured a mirror image of the Yorkshire Television logo card at the end.
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