Born and Bred is a British comedy drama that broadcast on BBC One from 2002 to 2005. Born and Bred, created by Chris Chibnall and Nigel McCrery, stars James Bolam and Michael French as a father and son who manage a cottage hospital in Ormston, a fictional Lancashire village in the 1950s. The characters performed by Bolam and French are eventually replaced by Richard Wilson and Oliver Milburn.
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Born and Bred is a British comedy drama that broadcast on BBC One from 2002 to 2005. Born and Bred, created by Chris Chibnall and Nigel McCrery, stars James Bolam and Michael French as a father and son who manage a cottage hospital in Ormston, a fictional Lancashire village in the 1950s. The characters performed by Bolam and French are eventually replaced by Richard Wilson and Oliver Milburn.