Batman is an American live-action television series that debuted in the 1960s and was modeled after the DC Comics character of the same name. Batman and Robin, two vigilantes who work together to keep Gotham City safe, are portrayed in the show by Adam West and Burt Ward, respectively. It debuted on ABC on January12, 1966 and ran until March14,1968, for a total of three seasons. The first two seasons of the show each consisted of two weekly broadcasts, which resulted in the production of a total of sixty episodes.
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Batman is an American live-action television series that debuted in the 1960s and was modeled after the DC Comics character of the same name. Batman and Robin, two vigilantes who work together to keep Gotham City safe, are portrayed in the show by Adam West and Burt Ward, respectively. It debuted on ABC on January12, 1966 and ran until March14,1968, for a total of three seasons. The first two seasons of the show each consisted of two weekly broadcasts, which resulted in the production of a total of sixty episodes.