Bruce Kalish created the live-action, single-camera adventure series Aaron Stone. Originally aired on February 13, 2009, with the launch of Disney XD. It was the network's first original series to air. The series follows Charlie Landers, a teen who is recruited to become the real-life counterpart of his world-famous avatar Aaron Stone from the fictional video game Hero Rising. David Lambert, Tania Gunadi, and J. P. Manoux also appear in the series. Unlike most of Disney's live-action shows, Aaron Stone has a darker tone and a more complex plot. The first season was produced from June 2 to December 19, 2008. From February 13 to November 27, 2009, the first season aired on Disney XD. Disney announced on May 5, 2009, that the show had been renewed for a second season. Kelly Blatz confirmed on her Twitter account that the second season began production on June 22, 2009. On November 11, 2009, it was announced in a Live Ustream chat with J. P. Manoux, Tania Gunadi, and Bruce Kalish that Aaron Stone would not be renewed for a third season, with the second season being the final. The stated reason was that Disney XD has decided to place a greater emphasis on live-action programming that is primarily comedy-based. This announcement was made before the end of season one in the United States. The second season, which premiered on February 24, 2010, featured 14 episodes in total. The final eight episodes aired on June 16 and ended on July 30, 2010. Aaron Stone reruns were no longer shown on Disney XD in the United States as of 2012.
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