A teenage tomboy named Mattie Ross (Kim Darby), whose father was murdered, decides to seek "justice" by avenging her father's death and embarks on a journey after her father's killer. She enlists the help of a hardened old marshal named "Rooster" Cogburn, played by John Wayne, because of his "grit" and his well-known ability to complete difficult tasks. A Texas Ranger by the name of La Boeuf, played by Glen Campbell, who is also searching for the same man (Jeff Corey) for a separate murder in Texas, joins the two of them in their investigation. In order to track down their guy, their journey leads them all the way from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to the depths of what is now known as Oklahoma Territory.
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A teenage tomboy named Mattie Ross (Kim Darby), whose father was murdered, decides to seek "justice" by avenging her father's death and embarks on a journey after her father's killer. She enlists the help of a hardened old marshal named "Rooster" Cogburn, played by John Wayne, because of his "grit" and his well-known ability to complete difficult tasks. A Texas Ranger by the name of La Boeuf, played by Glen Campbell, who is also searching for the same man (Jeff Corey) for a separate murder in Texas, joins the two of them in their investigation. In order to track down their guy, their journey leads them all the way from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to the depths of what is now known as Oklahoma Territory.