The story of a beautiful Christian nun named Kyoko (Etsuko Shihomi), who is loved by two very different men. One is the happy-go-lucky yakuza gangster Haruhiko (Koichi Iwaki), who is next in line to take over the ragtag "Tenryu Gumi" gang, and the other is the bumbling police detective Kumashiro (Akira Emoto). The Tenryu Gumi is made up of misfits and other troublemakers, but because they are Christian, they are mostly peaceful. Their biggest rivals are the more traditional "Kuroiwa Gumi," which is led by godfather Kuroiwa and is much more cruel and violent (Hideo Murota).
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The story of a beautiful Christian nun named Kyoko (Etsuko Shihomi), who is loved by two very different men. One is the happy-go-lucky yakuza gangster Haruhiko (Koichi Iwaki), who is next in line to take over the ragtag "Tenryu Gumi" gang, and the other is the bumbling police detective Kumashiro (Akira Emoto). The Tenryu Gumi is made up of misfits and other troublemakers, but because they are Christian, they are mostly peaceful. Their biggest rivals are the more traditional "Kuroiwa Gumi," which is led by godfather Kuroiwa and is much more cruel and violent (Hideo Murota).