The story of Grace Davis is set in the sparkling world of the Los Angeles music industry, and it follows the rise of a superstar whose talent, as well as her ego, have reached unfathomable heights. Despite the fact that Maggie is Grace's overworked personal assistant who is trapped running errands, she is still pursuing her childhood dream of becoming a music producer. When Grace's manager presents her with a decision that might drastically alter the trajectory of her professional life, Maggie and Grace devise a strategy that could alter the course of their lives forever.
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The story of Grace Davis is set in the sparkling world of the Los Angeles music industry, and it follows the rise of a superstar whose talent, as well as her ego, have reached unfathomable heights. Despite the fact that Maggie is Grace's overworked personal assistant who is trapped running errands, she is still pursuing her childhood dream of becoming a music producer. When Grace's manager presents her with a decision that might drastically alter the trajectory of her professional life, Maggie and Grace devise a strategy that could alter the course of their lives forever.