Shioriko Shinokawa (Haru Kuroki) is a retired librarian who manages a used book business in Kamakura, Japan. She is extremely enthusiastic and knowledgable about books, although she is reserved when not discussing books. Daisuke Goura, a clerk, is her coworker (Shuhei Nomura). He suffers from a rare ailment that prevents him from reading books. Shioriko Shinokawa informs Daisuke Goura one day that her rare book has been targeted by an unknown individual. They collaborate to uncover the mystery surrounding the rare book. —asianwiki
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Shioriko Shinokawa (Haru Kuroki) is a retired librarian who manages a used book business in Kamakura, Japan. She is extremely enthusiastic and knowledgable about books, although she is reserved when not discussing books. Daisuke Goura, a clerk, is her coworker (Shuhei Nomura). He suffers from a rare ailment that prevents him from reading books. Shioriko Shinokawa informs Daisuke Goura one day that her rare book has been targeted by an unknown individual. They collaborate to uncover the mystery surrounding the rare book. —asianwiki