It is based on the 2008 comic book "Superman: Brainiac," which was written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Gary Frank. In Superman: Unbound, the horrible power responsible for the destruction of Krypton (Brainiac) descends onto Earth. It has taken Brainiac thousands of years to travel the universe, gathering cities from several exotic worlds, including Kandor, and now the intelligent, ever-evolving robot has set his sights on the city of Metropolis. It is up to Superman to marshal all of his physical and mental resources in order to protect his city, his beloved Lois Lane, and his newly arrived cousin, Supergirl.
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It is based on the 2008 comic book "Superman: Brainiac," which was written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Gary Frank. In Superman: Unbound, the horrible power responsible for the destruction of Krypton (Brainiac) descends onto Earth. It has taken Brainiac thousands of years to travel the universe, gathering cities from several exotic worlds, including Kandor, and now the intelligent, ever-evolving robot has set his sights on the city of Metropolis. It is up to Superman to marshal all of his physical and mental resources in order to protect his city, his beloved Lois Lane, and his newly arrived cousin, Supergirl.