A stand-alone film celebrating the anime's 20th anniversary, One Piece: Stampede takes place outside the TV series' canon. Luffy and his Straw Hat crew are invited to a big Pirate Festival, which brings together many of the franchise's most famous characters to compete for Roger's treasure with Luffy and his crew. There is a new foe in the form of Bullet, an ex-member of Roger's squad who the Straw Hats must face.
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A stand-alone film celebrating the anime's 20th anniversary, One Piece: Stampede takes place outside the TV series' canon. Luffy and his Straw Hat crew are invited to a big Pirate Festival, which brings together many of the franchise's most famous characters to compete for Roger's treasure with Luffy and his crew. There is a new foe in the form of Bullet, an ex-member of Roger's squad who the Straw Hats must face.