Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri, a 22-minute animated special, will introduce the Marvel Rising universe to the fan-favorite heroine Shuri, voiced by Daisy Lightfoot ("Marvel Avengers: Black Panther's Quest"), and will introduce her to the Marvel Rising universe. After accepting their next task, the Secret Warriors find themselves in the midst of a complete 180-degree turn: hanging out with Shuri, the Crown Princess of Wakanda, and showing her what it's like to be a normal teenager. But when you're dealing with one of the most intelligent and well-known persons on the globe, nothing is as it appears to be.
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Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri, a 22-minute animated special, will introduce the Marvel Rising universe to the fan-favorite heroine Shuri, voiced by Daisy Lightfoot ("Marvel Avengers: Black Panther's Quest"), and will introduce her to the Marvel Rising universe. After accepting their next task, the Secret Warriors find themselves in the midst of a complete 180-degree turn: hanging out with Shuri, the Crown Princess of Wakanda, and showing her what it's like to be a normal teenager. But when you're dealing with one of the most intelligent and well-known persons on the globe, nothing is as it appears to be.