An animated family adventure based on a true story of a guy and his best friend, a lovable and adventurous dog named Jock, as they grow up and face new challenges. Jock's adventures with Fritz, his master, are depicted in this animated family tale set in the Bushveld near the Kruger National Park. Jock narrowly escapes death, forges unlikely alliances, and proves his unwavering devotion to Fritz throughout the film. In the late 1880s, explorers and adventurers from all over the world were enthralled by Africa's mineral wealth, abundant animal life, and unsurpassed natural beauty. It was a land where the craziest stories were true and the animals roamed in their millions! There are no other animal classics to be found in Africa than Jock Of The Bushveld.
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An animated family adventure based on a true story of a guy and his best friend, a lovable and adventurous dog named Jock, as they grow up and face new challenges. Jock's adventures with Fritz, his master, are depicted in this animated family tale set in the Bushveld near the Kruger National Park. Jock narrowly escapes death, forges unlikely alliances, and proves his unwavering devotion to Fritz throughout the film. In the late 1880s, explorers and adventurers from all over the world were enthralled by Africa's mineral wealth, abundant animal life, and unsurpassed natural beauty. It was a land where the craziest stories were true and the animals roamed in their millions! There are no other animal classics to be found in Africa than Jock Of The Bushveld.