Based on the best-selling novel by Michael Ende (The Neverending Story), this epic fantasy adventure follows a young orphan boy named JIM BUTTON, his closest friend LUKE, and a magical steam engine named EMMA as they journey the globe in search of the truth about Jim's origins. They must traverse the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, beyond the End of the World, while battling pirates and dragons and outwitting fictitious giants, in order to locate the secret Dragon City.
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Based on the best-selling novel by Michael Ende (The Neverending Story), this epic fantasy adventure follows a young orphan boy named JIM BUTTON, his closest friend LUKE, and a magical steam engine named EMMA as they journey the globe in search of the truth about Jim's origins. They must traverse the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, beyond the End of the World, while battling pirates and dragons and outwitting fictitious giants, in order to locate the secret Dragon City.