Based on Cameron Crowe's real-life stories, this show follows a group of high school students as they grow up in southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are both looking for a date. Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, two of their older classmates, help them. Jeff Spicoli, a surfer who is always high, is at the center of the movie. He goes up against Mr. Hand, who is sure that everyone is high.
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Based on Cameron Crowe's real-life stories, this show follows a group of high school students as they grow up in southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are both looking for a date. Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, two of their older classmates, help them. Jeff Spicoli, a surfer who is always high, is at the center of the movie. He goes up against Mr. Hand, who is sure that everyone is high.