'Empty Metal,' the first feature film directed by Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer as a team, takes place in a world that is eerily similar to our own: one of vast surveillance, widespread police, and increasing individual apathy. The lives of several people, each inhabiting extreme poles of American social and political consciousness, are intertwined as each attempts to achieve some kind of forward motion, sometimes in contradiction with one another, and always under the watchful eye of far more powerful forces than they can comprehend or comprehend.
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'Empty Metal,' the first feature film directed by Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer as a team, takes place in a world that is eerily similar to our own: one of vast surveillance, widespread police, and increasing individual apathy. The lives of several people, each inhabiting extreme poles of American social and political consciousness, are intertwined as each attempts to achieve some kind of forward motion, sometimes in contradiction with one another, and always under the watchful eye of far more powerful forces than they can comprehend or comprehend.