The story follows a young skilled architect who regains his consciousness after a massive and inexplicable accident. This universe is built on the memories of its inhabitants, who are presently in a coma. Human memory is shaky. The COMA is a strange collection of memories–cities, glaciers, and rivers all in one place. All physics laws can be broken. The architect must learn the specific laws and regulations of COMA as he fights for his life, meets his life's love, and searches for the exit to the real world, which he must learn again after COMA.
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The story follows a young skilled architect who regains his consciousness after a massive and inexplicable accident. This universe is built on the memories of its inhabitants, who are presently in a coma. Human memory is shaky. The COMA is a strange collection of memories–cities, glaciers, and rivers all in one place. All physics laws can be broken. The architect must learn the specific laws and regulations of COMA as he fights for his life, meets his life's love, and searches for the exit to the real world, which he must learn again after COMA.