Jo Hauser, a doctor and soccer player in his spare time, decides to relocate to Berlin and work as an intern in a well-known clinic, hoping to expand his knowledge and expertise while also assisting his handicapped brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors led by Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in humans with no regard for ethics or the law. The team is also a volunteer to the experiences and is under Paula Henning's investigation. Jo realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science when he becomes close to a Filipino nurse and becomes addicted to the drugs used in experience.
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Jo Hauser, a doctor and soccer player in his spare time, decides to relocate to Berlin and work as an intern in a well-known clinic, hoping to expand his knowledge and expertise while also assisting his handicapped brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors led by Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in humans with no regard for ethics or the law. The team is also a volunteer to the experiences and is under Paula Henning's investigation. Jo realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science when he becomes close to a Filipino nurse and becomes addicted to the drugs used in experience.